Thursday, November 06, 2008

Moving Forward Together

Moving Forward Together

First let me say....
Congratulations to our new President Barack Obama! No matter who you voted for, I am so proud of all Americans for getting out to vote and participate in such large numbers and with so much enthusiasm. There are many reasons why I am personally happy with the outcome of the election, but on a much larger scale I feel confident in positive changes ahead for all of us. I think this election has made any "under dog" feel like we can accomplish anything (minorities, women, people with disabilities, etc, etc). The energy in the air is optomistic, filled with hope and love and peace, beginning the place it needs to begin before it can happen in a physical way throughout the world - in our hearts.

Today is a new day and so will tomorrow and the next. I feel excited and inspired that we will keep this feeling afloat and carry it with us, step by step, day by day, changing the world for the better for generations to come. I want to leave my children and theirs a world that has clean air, land, rivers and oceans. I want to leave them a legacy of great success and change happening through forgiveness, diplomacy and non violent action rather than war. I'm going to keep dreaming big, for myself and for the world.
....and how are you today?
:) jct

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'd sing out love. between. my brothers and my sisters. a-all. all over this land!

;) e