Friday, March 13, 2009

APW Gallery - Pictures from the show!

There are tons of great pictures from the World of Imagination Vol. 2 exhibit on APW Gallery's website here. In the picture above, I can see my paintings! It's blurry but here's a zoomed in view - I can't wait to go see the show in person!


Jennifer Hayes Hugon said...

That show looks so cool! What a fun thing to be a part of!

Kendra Zvonik said...

Cool! I didn't realize that everyone had to work in the same size format! I love the tight grouping. That will be fun to see in person. It looks like your pieces are grouped in an L shape. Is that right? I have them pictured in my mind as a square shape. This serves as a reminder to me to be flexible. I get so rigid about how things should be viewed. Christian was just warning me about that with the hanging of my show. How do you feel about this topic?