Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Documenting my routine

Take a morning hike on a local trail through Shenipsit State Forest with my two loves, Leo the dog and Rob the husband. (Rob is on vacation this week - he makes taking a walk ten times more fun).

Get home and start painting. I've been working in the screened in area of the porch because the weather has been so nice. It's so easy to get in a groove listening to the birds sing and the chipmunks peep and scurry about. I love it out there.

You'll see those craft bottles of acrylic there. I've been using them for base coats and then I work over the surface with higher quality paint. You can call me frugal franny if you like, I won't mind.

Continuing on the frugal tip, instead of buying some pre made bbq sauce for our chicken tonight, I whipped up some homemade sauce, a little trick I learned from my dad. Ketchup, molasses, spicy mustard, garlic powder, ground red pepper, and some of my favorite dry rub. I put some boneless thighs in there, as well as chopped onions that caramelize, to marinate for a few hours before baking them. Let me just say, I have a new favorite recipe.

The energetic boy has refueled from his walk and is ready for more. A good old Frisbee session in the back yard is in order.

Back out to the studio to paint, and take pictures of finished paintings, then it's time to call it a day and get started on dinner. After dinner, I dive into online work - promoting and adding new pictures to my various sites. At some point we'll go to bed then the whole routine begins again tomorrow.

So there it is. Not especially exciting or anything, but it's my life, and I love every minute of it.

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