Tuesday, March 17, 2009


THE LETTER E - Vintage Printmaking Block

My vintage shop has returned with a collection of vintage printmaking blocks that I got several years ago. These are so cool and I think they'd be perfect for assemblage sculptures. I've found the photography element of selling vintage is really enjoyable. This photo of the letter E is my favorite so far. I think it's a work of art unto itself!

Spring is whispering in my ear that it is almost here and I am so happy and excited as my tulips and hyacinth peak out of the earth with their beautiful green limbs. I was sick the last two weeks and I'm finally coming out of it just in time for some great weather. I'm looking forward to going to tag sales to hunt for vintage treasures this summer. My friend from LA used to call going to tag sales "saling" and he said it with the most hilarious drawl - imagine Matthew McConaughey saying "Let's go saling bros!". I've got to admit, tag sales in Santa Cruz were awesome but around here we've got different "stuff" than out west - often with much more antiquity. The real old antiques are my aunt's expertise - I like to focus on the 1950's-70's. The mystery of saling is addictive, you never know what you will discover and it's just such a fun way to spend an afternoon. Cruising around town going from house to house, being part of the whole experience of picking over other people's stuff. One family down the road from my parent's house have a tag sale every year and they have SO MUCH STUFF!! I always wonder what their house looks like inside - I imagine it filled wall to wall with belongings.

Anyway, lots to look forward to in the coming weeks and months. Happy almost Spring everybody!

1 comment:

Jennifer Hayes Hugon said...

These are awesome! I must have some... I just got a screen printing kit (um, well, at Christmas, I just haven't had any time to play yet).

Plus, being a graphic designer, I can't resist!

I'll be by your shop soon!