Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Work With What You've Got" goes on...

Tough Guy - Acrylic and charcoal on cardboard

As you may already know, "Work with what you've got" has been my 2009 motto. Today I attacked an overflowing large tupperware bin of art. This was my "art to save" bin because I can never throw anything out. Unfinished paintings, random sketches and pieces I could never sell because of personal connection. I went through and took out a few to put on eBay (for crazy low starting bids HERE ), created a pile of surfaces ready to be added to or painted over, and cut up little sketches and funky (but not really WOW) paintings for thank you notes. I like recycling art for thank you notes instead of buying pre made cards or even printing cards.

Here's an example of one of my to-be thank you notes. I think I'll take this little sketch and glue it to a funky piece of paper.

My "art to save" bin has been cut down to 50% and I have a bunch of surfaces to work on tomorrow. Work with what ya got is workin' for me!

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